Golden Eye

Golden Eye

Turner Consulting Group


  • Daniel Turner
  • 202-986-5533

Theme description

As part of our BHAG of saving $1,000,000,000 in taxpayer dollars, we need to do regular checks on how we're doing and how much we've saved. Clearly this is part of being intelligent about this goal!

To this end, every month each project will be asked to complete a worksheet detailing savings over the last month. To ease the submission, the worksheet will be included with one of our other metrics (dollars per person-month), which should be filled out already by all project managers.

If we have the "golden eye" and all projects complete their report for October, November, and December, everyone will receive a special spy prize at the Spy Museum party on January 10.


This quarter we have a special BONUS GOAL. You can, if you wish, suggest one or more annual themes with four quarterly hot potatoes for next year.

The theme Dan likes best will get a $500 gift certificate to the online retailer of your choice ( if no other is selected).


1. The annual theme can be something simple ("duct tape" or complicated "dance music of the 1680's"). It should have lots of imagery inherent in it, and should lend itself well to pictures and concepts. Ideally it'll imply numerous puns.

2. Quarterly hot potatoes should incorporate one of the core principles (intelligent, prove value, invest ourselves, collaborative, fair/hones/open, families) or our mission (save time) or our BHAG ($1b in savings).

3. Quarterly hot potatoes should relate to the annual theme.

4. Quarterly hot potatoes should be things that need to be completed by, at a minimum, every project, if not by every employee of the company.

5. If you suggest prizes (optional), the prizes should relate to the hot potato or annual theme, and should cost less than $50 per person.

To suggest a theme/potatoes, you must send email to Dan by December 1.

[[Gazelles Best Practices|

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